
2021年10月25日 in 船务公司
We can provide the clients with the overall logistics solutions and implementation of specific operation. And we create the strategic partnership with foreign professional exhibition logistics agency from Europe, the americas, Asia, Africa, Oceania area of the world as exhibit international transport agent.

And our service is including customs clearance, to ensure the safety of exhibits and to arrive at the booth on time.MOL(商船三井)、OOCL(东方海外)、NOR(北欧亚)、CSCL(中海)、ZIM(以星航运)、SAF(南非航运)、KLINE(川崎)、T.S.LINES(德翔)、WHL(万海)、SITC(海丰)、CSAV、ANL(澳航)等多家国内外主要船公司的核心订舱代理,并且有着良好的合作关系。
