
2019年2月23日 in 拼柜船公司
Tian Woo shipping founded in 1995, is a China international freight forwarding company.The headquaters is in Qingdao, and we have branches in the base ports of China, and we have set up a wide network of overseas agents . With a distinguished personal service,we offer complete solutions to meet all your specific transport and logistic requirements which includes:
*Sea Freight
*Land Freight
*Customs Clearances
*Warehousing & Distribution
*Storage and Pick & Pack

Tian Woo is synonymous with Quality. Both staff and products have distinguished qualifications and these qualifications, together with a high service level towards our clients, are our most efficient instruments of competition. The commitments we give to our clients are kept and our creative solutions together with our qualifications give our clients optimum cost effectiveness for their transportations.  公司在第三国转口运输有专业可靠的转运经验为你的货物保驾护航。通过马来西亚、新加坡(做马来西亚、印尼等国家的产地证)、台湾的转口运输,打破国际贸易壁垒、反倾销,使得中国产品成功进入国际市场。过马来西亚、新加坡(做马来西亚、印尼等国家的产地证)、台湾的转口运输,打破国际贸易壁垒、反倾销,使得中国产品成功进入国际市场。提供文件:印尼的产地证(按进口国和产品可以做大使馆加签)、马来西亚产地证(按进口国和产品可以做大使馆加签)BV-CDV、工厂证明(生产报告+产能报告)、 KII等文件;印度、泰国、新家坡、孟加拉、台湾 的 C/O(产地证)或FORM-A(普惠证)或FORM-AANZ 或FORM-MT等文件。

